Tuesday 3 June 2014

Something called GRACE

Have you observed that excellence, whether in academics or career is not only by hard work?
"Daniel was preferred among the princes of Babylon". WHY?
"Joseph succeeded in ALL he did". WHY?

Einstein was named the greatest and most intelligent scientist of the 20th century. WHY?- do you know John von Neumann? He was smarter than Einstein.

In a seminar held by Stanley Iwuoha (FUTO, BGS 2012), he was asked: Is it that you read more than everyone else that you made a CGPA of 4.72? He said, "as a matter of fact, I know a guy whom even me myself knows should be the best, yet he didn't made a 1st".
Such is grace, defined as Un-merited FAVOUR.
Despite our inadequacies and imperfections; our shortcomings and mistakes, we find that with just a little bit of work as a ticket, we soon become beneficiaries of the great Grace that pour forth from above.
Seek Grace, Excellence will follow

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