Monday 9 June 2014


I'm happily married to a beautiful woman whom I love so much. I work as a personal assistant to the pastor of my church.

I love my job because apart from the fact that I have time for myself and family, it also comes with a huge salary. I also get to travel out to different countries plus the various benefits attached to my job which I receive monthly.

The subject of disagreement here are my nails. I usually keep the nails on the my left hand long and my wife really loves it because she says anytime we get intimate, it tickles her and turns her on. So my nail is like an instrument in our sex life.

On the other hand, my pastor has asked me several times to keep my nails short. He says it is irresponsible for men to keep their nails. He said whenever we go out for meetings, several pastors usually complain about my nails and I should keep it low.

I can’t tell him the reason behind me leaving my nails now he has threatened that if I don’t trim my nails, I would loose my job.

When I told my wife I wanted to cut my nails, she got so angry saying I do not love her and if I cut my nails she would be very angry with me and starve me of sex.

I love my wife but at the same time I love my job and do not want to loose either of them.

Please advise me, who do I obey?

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