Monday 9 June 2014


0.999999... Approximating towards
Abraham Lincoln once said, "I will

prepare my self, perhaps my chance
will come".
So many attribute their success to
luck- "am a lucky guy(girl)", they
say. And in our efforts to seek the
"goddess" of good luck to smile on
us with fortune, we fail to realize
that Proper Preparation Prevents
Poor Performance.
We naturally love to ply the path of
least resistance.
Aha! It has gotten to a point where
we are now Dependent variables to
an Expediency factor in the
equation of success- just hoping
that some how, we'll succeed.
Hey, wake up! "Thou sluggard, go
to the ants and get sense..."- KJV.
Benjamin Franklin said, "I will do
my work, knowing my time is only
We must therefore wake up from
slumber, roll up our sleeves &
trousers and with a tool of
determination and zeal, begin to
level out the mountains on our path
to EXCELLENCE- the road to SUCCESS.
We either work for success or
failure works on us, QED.

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