Saturday, 6 September 2014


Our children may learn about d heroes of d past. Our task is 2 make ourselves d architects of d future." (Jomo Kenyatta, 1st president of Kenya, 4rm an address given on Kenyatta Day, as quoted in Anita King's
Quotations in Black, Greenwood Press 1981)Many Africans shy away 4rm their colour n embrace alien colour bt I say 2 u Africans demolishing ya continent n upgrading an alien land will possess nothing more than d hate n slavery dat our ancestors had cos of some unpatriotic Africans who thought dey were wise by selling Africans bt at last ended in doom..So therefore stand up as an African nt an Alien by supporting every edge dat aid Africa growth n development-Do nt hate or plan against an African bt support n plan with Africans for enhanced growth and development of the African land so dat Africa should be the center of global developmen#Thanks 4 ya understanding#

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